Understand the Uses and Benefits of Recombinant Antibodies

Understand the Uses and Benefits of Recombinant Antibodies Recombinant antibodies (rAbs), which are genetically engineered, are forms of monoclonal antibodies produced at the genomic level by the means of in-vitro manipulation. With these antibodies, there is appropriate use with a range of cell lines, including bacterial, mammalian, insect, and yeast origin. At Cell Culture Company, … Continue reading Understand the Uses and Benefits of Recombinant Antibodies

Large And Small Production – Right Sizing Your Custom Manufacturing

Large And Small Production – Right Sizing Your Custom Manufacturing If you have unique size requirements or need a custom solution, a one-size-fits-all approach is simply not going to work. Fortunately, Cell Culture Company is here to help you with right-sizing your custom mammalian bio-manufacturing, regardless of whether you have large, small, or variable-scale production … Continue reading Large And Small Production – Right Sizing Your Custom Manufacturing

Speed Up Your Research By Outsourcing Cell Culture

Speed Up Your Research By Outsourcing Cell Culture The strategic outsourcing of cell culture can be a cost-effective and highly flexible way to reduce the amount of time required for your research. Cell Culture Company can help you to achieve just such an objective by providing you with our experience and service offerings. Additionally, each … Continue reading Speed Up Your Research By Outsourcing Cell Culture

Off-site Storage of Cell Lines to Maintain Integrity

Off-site Storage of Cell Lines to Maintain Integrity Cell lines are likely to suffer undesirable outcomes like senescence, genetic drift, and microbial contamination. Sometimes, even a well-equipped lab can experience equipment failure. Considering the value of an established cell line, replacements can be time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, labs mitigate risk by storing these cells in … Continue reading Off-site Storage of Cell Lines to Maintain Integrity

Protein Production Scale Up in Hollow Fiber Bioreactor Systems

Protein Production Scale Up in Hollow Fiber Bioreactor Systems For many years, hollow fiber cell culture has been a unique platform that has many benefits including utilization of a closed system, single-use products, and 3D cell culture. Proteins can be difficult to express, especially those that are highly complex or glycosylated. Because of this, traditional … Continue reading Protein Production Scale Up in Hollow Fiber Bioreactor Systems