T-flasks vs. Roller Bottles vs. Spinner Flasks vs. Cell Factories

T-flasks vs. Roller Bottles vs. Spinner Flasks vs. Cell Factories Common types of containers used to grow cells include t-flasks vs. roller bottles vs. spinner flasks vs. cell factories. What determines the container used is the type of cells you are attempting to expand and/or size of the culture. The two prominent types of cell … Continue reading T-flasks vs. Roller Bottles vs. Spinner Flasks vs. Cell Factories

An Introduction to Insect Cell Culture

An Introduction to Insect Cell Culture When it comes to heterologous protein expression, insect cell culture is often the preferred choice. Whether for basic research or large-scale production, insect cells have the capability of expressing large numbers of proteins that possess intricate post-translational changes. Insect cell cultures are used extensively for studies involving microbial pathology, … Continue reading An Introduction to Insect Cell Culture

What are Hybridoma Cells?

What are Hybridoma Cells? Hybridoma cells are most commonly used in the production of monoclonal antibodies. In turn, these monoclonal antibodies are used in a variety of applications such as cancer diagnosis, drug development, and immunotherapy. The process of creating hybridoma cells is complex and involves several steps. First, a myeloma cell is fused with … Continue reading What are Hybridoma Cells?

Proteomics and Cell Culture

Proteomics and Cell Culture The term proteome references the total quantity of proteins present at any given time in a cell, tissue, or organism. The number of these proteins can vary over time and between types of cells and conditions of growth. This is because of variations in gene expression. This area of research is … Continue reading Proteomics and Cell Culture

What Is the Cell Line Development Process?

What Is the Cell Line Development Process? The cell line development process is essential in determining the efficiency of finding new drugs, toxicity, and in-vitro testing. This process reduces cost, effort, and time, which reduces the possibility of drug failure during clinical trials. During the cell line development process, recombinant proteins are produced. These include … Continue reading What Is the Cell Line Development Process?