Isoenzyme Analysis Services

Isoenzyme Analysis Services

Isoenzyme analysis is a biochemical technique used to study the diversity and specificity of enzymes within a biological sample. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze specific chemical reactions in organisms, and isoenzymes are variants of an enzyme that differ in amino acid sequence but catalyze the same chemical reaction. Isoenzyme analysis helps researchers characterize these variants based on their electrophoretic mobility or other biochemical properties.  Contact C3 to learn more about our isoenzyme analysis services and how we can expedite your research needs.

How Isoenzyme Analysis Works:

  1. Sample Preparation: The biological sample (e.g., tissue extract, blood serum) is prepared and treated to release enzymes.
  2. Electrophoresis: The extracted enzymes are separated based on their charge-to-mass ratio using techniques like gel electrophoresis. This separation allows different isoenzymes to migrate at different rates according to their size and charge.
  3. Staining and Visualization: After separation, the gel is stained with specific substrates or dyes that react with the enzymes, producing visible bands where each isoenzyme is located.
  4. Analysis: The resulting banding pattern or profile is analyzed to identify and quantify different isoenzymes present in the sample. This information can provide insights into genetic variations, tissue-specific expression, and disease states.

Applications of Isoenzyme Analysis:

  • Taxonomy and Evolution: Isoenzyme analysis is used in taxonomy to distinguish between species or subspecies based on their enzyme profiles. It also helps in studying evolutionary relationships and population genetics.
  • Quality Control: In industries such as food and beverage production, isoenzyme analysis ensures product quality by detecting contaminants or verifying authenticity.
  • Research: Researchers use isoenzyme analysis to study enzyme regulation, function, and biochemical pathways in biological systems.

Advantages of Isoenzyme Analysis:

  • High Sensitivity: The ability to detect subtle differences in enzyme structure and function.
  • Versatility: Isoenzyme analysis can be applied to various biological samples and enzyme systems.
  • Quantitative: Some variants of isoenzyme analysis allow for quantitative measurement of enzyme activity or concentration.


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